
Final Project: Exceptional
Prelim Task

Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

We demonstrate three major areas of representation: Age, Gender and Social Status

Social Status:
In this scene, we used proxemics to promote the idea that Angus is isolated and lonely. The seat next to him is ocupied by his bag and while everyone else is occupied with talking to eachother and listening to the teacher, he is instead engrossed in his work.

Angus' costume also separates him from the group. His black trench coat cuts him off from the rest of the world while the "jock" wears a traditional school sports jersy, indicating his complete aceptance into the school system.

Finally anchoring Angus as the outcast  is his interaction with Jessica. He becomes clumsy and hesitant, best demonstrated through his‘clumsy clamber’, the slight hesitation when handing back her coat and the shot-reverse-shot of their conversation.